Get your customisable items from Mark and Scribe

Heya! Have you always wanted to get a gift or something for yourself that is customisable? Such as a make up pouch, clutches, or even coasters? You can get them now from Mark and Scribe.

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I recently got mine customised at, it’s a set of leather coasters that comes in 4, you can customise the letters (max 4 letters) of your own! I did 2 of each.

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Besides the coasters, you can also customise other items! As for me, i also did one for a make up kit in blush— it’s super pretty and elegant. I personally like items that comes with a touch of customisation, making it one of a kind!

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Quote <Rach15> for a good 15% off all products on! They currently provide free delivery for purchases $100 and above.

Check out the ideal gifts which you can get initials monogrammed on!

Happy shopping ~

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